
NewsWebinar: Electronic and Paperless Work & Rest Hours Process

Demonstration of a complete electronic and paperless process for the work & rest hours documentation process.

NewsAdonis HR & ATPI Crewlink Live Demo

Webinar: Thursday 27th of May

Breaking NewsAdonis HR Launches New Website

Adonis HR is proud to announce the release of their newly designed website.

News"If you are not on LinkedIn you do not exist"

LinkedIn Webinar with Ferry Shipping Summit & News: 27th of May at 15:00-17:00.

NewsManaging the HR Challenges of a Multinational Cruise Ship

In October 2018, the article "Clear Sailing", written by our Director of Sales, Per Ove Kviteberg, was featured in Workspan.

NewsWebinar: Return to Safe Sailing - Adonis HR & Tritan Software in joint Webinar

Medical and safety challenges in focus for post-pandemic planning.